Here’s a small-scale scenario: A new component is greased with a highly viscous lubricant on a dosing device, for which a new application process has been configured. The employee, overly familiar with the previous process involving a low-viscosity medium, stops the process prematurely, which means insufficient lubricant is applied.
What almost always happens in practice, conversely, is that the dosing duration gets ever-longer. This is precisely what happens, for example, with highly viscous lubricants, larger dosing quantities and lower delivery pressures. Ultimately, it's all down to physics: The resistance to which the lubricant is exposed tends to peak when the medium is pierced. For devices with manual release in particular, there is a risk of a volumetric dosing valve already switching over before the grease piston has completed an entire stroke or reached the starting position again.
Process status always available
To ensure maximum reliability even with hand-triggered applications, ABNOX has developed a monitoring unit with an LED indicator. Two sensors mounted in the C-groove of the valve monitor the dosing stroke and signal the current process status to the user:
White → Dosing valve is ready
Yellow → Dosing process is underway
Green → Dosing is complete
The coloured signal LED always informs the person tasked with assembly about the current process status and thus ensures that the volumetric dosing valve always discharges the exact desired quantity of grease.
The following animation shows how the monitoring of the dosing process on the AXDD dosing device works:
It couldn't be simpler: Both sensors are simply connected to the box and the monitoring can start! Instead of the power supply unit, ABNOX also offers a battery box or a connection cable for an additional LED display.