From a factory work floor in Alaska to a plant in southern Europe – whenever the ambient temperature changes with the seasons, so do the characteristics of the industrial lubrication of bearings, surfaces or components.
Above all, the viscosity of the lubricant affects the application process when temperatures fluctuate, which can result in poor lubrication. This is unacceptable, and not just in high-tech industries: A constant lubrication temperature is the leading requirement for high process reliability and continuous operation.
For perfect lubrication
Highly viscous lubricants in particular are problematic at low temperatures. “Threads” start to form and the application becomes flaky or misshapen. For example, a crooked “pointed cap” forms instead of a globular dot. An uncontrolled spraying process may soil adjacent surfaces, which then have to be cleaned.
The AXVH-1 / AXVH-2 valve heater from ABNOX ensures proper lubricant application, even under adverse conditions. It heats the medium in the ABNOX dosing, impulse and discharge valves, maintaining its flow characteristics at the optimal level. This option, which can be retrofitted at any time, ensures a constant application process for the user.
Adjustable manually or via PLC
The AXVH-1 valve heater is quick to install in the C-groove of valves such as the AXDV-C1 volumetric dosing valve or the AXDV-P1 impulse valve. A four-terminal connecting cable, 300 mm long with an M12-A plug, makes this a straightforward plug ‘n’ play solution.
An interconnected temperature controller lets the user adjust the temperature precisely to the desired value, either by hand using two actuating buttons or with a pre-setting via a PLC. The actual temperature and set temperature are always accessible in the control unit. Operating at 24 volts, the valve heater comprises a heating cartridge with an output of 50 watts and a temperature sensor. A clamping screw is provided to connect the AXVH-1 / AXVH-2 to potential equalisation.