It all started when I realized that my previous hobby, swimming, no longer challenged me fully. I was looking for a sport that would challenge me both physically and mentally and would be an ideal complement to swimming. So one day my flatmate at the time took me climbing together in Root (Lucerne). After only a short time on the wall, I was hooked on the sport. After a great climbing camp, I joined the Nottwil Climbing Club in 2010, where I still train once a week with my teammates. In the club we also make small trips to bigger climbing gyms in Switzerland.
For some it may be incomprehensible to risk one's own life - secured only by a rope - for a climb. But it is exactly this adrenaline rush and the required concentration that make the hobby so interesting and unique for me. However, the sport also requires an unconditional trust in one's comrades, which does not always prove to be easy.
However, I see the biggest advantage in the fact that you can climb in summer as well as in winter. I consider the training and strengthening of every single muscle group, from the tips of the fingers to the tips of the toes, to be particularly valuable. The hobby also offers me a perfect balance to my everyday work: I attend every training session with great pleasure, I have never had to force myself to do it. I wish everyone else the same kind of euphoria for a leisure activity. And who knows, maybe I'll meet you soon climbing the Swiss climbing walls!